2020-21 Ultimate Goal-Team 16295

The team returned two members, Kayla Kim and Emma Xia, who scored more points than last year!

The team scored their points during the end game, when they lifted a goal and drove it to a target before dropping the goal over the outside wall and into the target space.

The team was mentored by team 9721, including Andrew Kim, Kayla’s older brother. Andrew showed his sister how to use a miter saw for cutting aluminum and how to mount and operate a servo. This time together marked a special transition for the Kim’s because Andrew is leaving for Brown University in the fall.

The team scores points using a using a servo gripper and a highly geared motor (125:1). The team programmed their robot using the OnBot java language, which prepares the team members for AP Compute Science A, which also uses java.

The team re-used their robot chassis form last year to save time and materials, which was essential because the in-person sessions were limited. The team demonstrated a successful transition from rookie to JV and demonstrated how they could increase their capacity through shared sessions with experienced teams.

Team 16295 passed this approach on when they mentored a rookie team via zoom. During this meeting, Kayla and Emma prepared a rookie team for judges’ interviews.

16295 Robot Presentation